A lifestyle an educational blog by Jacqueline Chang, a BSc Animal Health graduate, veterinary technician student, and veterinary technician assistant. For anyone who wants to learn more about companion animal lifestyles and how to improve the quality of the health and well-being of our furry friends. We will be delving into informative topics focusing on useful tips and pioneering work on 3D printing.
Wheelchair with Interchangeable Wheels
This build is a custom walker for a dachshund with erosive polyarthritis. She walks on her wrists instead of her paw pads, causing her a lot of pain. For her case, I designed a quad-assisted walker with an extra long sling to support her full length. The …
Animal Prostheses with UBC's Geering Up
Check out this short segment where I was a guest star on UBC's Geering Up for kids! Sam and I talked about the basics of companion animal prostheses and discussed what the future may hold for the field. Click through to watch it on YouTube!